Professional Bed Bug Heat Treatment Petersburg VA
Pests are running rampant in Petersburg. Everywhere you look, pests are there. One pest species growing a lot of attention in the city and surrounding areas is the bed bug. What is a bed bug? Just as its name entails, a parasitic bug drawn to the human’s bed. Why are bed bugs drawn to humans? Well, it mainly has to do with their most vital essential – blood. As a parasite, the bed bug cannot survive without regular blood meals. Bed bugs have several options when it comes to a host – human and animal. However, the insect is drawn to blood-derived from human hosts. An animal host is the bed bug’s second and only host when it comes to surviving and dying.
What Is Bed Bug Thermal Heat Treatment?
Thermal heat is becoming more mainstream as a bed bug extermination strategy. Today, property owners throughout Virginia are opting for heat treatment more often than any other bed bug management strategy. Once you know witness the effectiveness of the heat treatment, you too will become a fan.
How Does Bed Bug Thermal Heat Treatment Work?
We utilize heavy-duty heaters to generate temperatures 118 degrees Fahrenheit and higher, a necessity for eradicating bed bugs. To maintain the high temperatures, we contain the infested area by separating it from the rest of the home.
We utilize a flex duct to route the heat from the heavy-duty heaters to the inside of the home. The heaters are switched on, while the lead exterminator monitors the temperature. Once the temperature reaches the desired setting, the clock begins to count down.
While monitoring the temperature setting, the exterminator is looking for signs of live bed bugs. It takes up to 20 minutes for the heat to begin working. Bed bugs hiding in hard-to-reach areas will require a more drastic approach. Fortunately, thermal heat can permeate various materials, such as wood, plastic, thin metal, and upholstery.
Does Thermal Heat Offer Full Extermination Of Bed Bugs?
When administered properly, it is possible to achieve full eradication of a bed bug infestation. In severe infestation cases, the impacted area must be exposed to temperatures 118 degrees Fahrenheit and higher for up to 90 minutes.
The exterminator will continue to monitor the progress of the heat treatment throughout the process.
Post-Treatment Bed Bug Inspection
We follow up each thermal heat treatment with a thorough visual inspection of the impacted area. The inspection is to determine the true effectiveness of the treatment. The exterminator inspects all high-risk areas to ensure they are free of bed bugs. If live bed bugs are detected during the inspection, the exterminator will schedule a second heat treatment. However, we are confident our thermal heat treatment will deliver full extermination of the bed bug colony.
Why Hire Us!
We are a licensed pest control company conveniently located in Petersburg. Our extermination team has several decades of experience in the Virginia pest control industry. We back our work with a customer satisfaction guarantee. Our thermal heat treatment is professionally administered to deliver full eradication of a small-, medium-, or large-sized bed bug colony.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.